Upscale Professionally with ADF Training Program

Develop the skills to clear the new Microsoft Azure AZ-305 exam with our training program specifically designed for Azure Data Factory- ADF Course in Ameerpet, with the latest revised curriculum.

Azure Data Factory online Training

ADF Training Program

KPH's Azure Data Factory training program is specifically designed to impart professional ETL concepts and data warehouse (DWH) knowledge right from the basics. This course also covers data mashups and data flow concepts with SQL Server and Azure SaaS Components, which are highly sought-after skills in the realm of big data analytics and warehouse designs. Our curriculum is regularly updated to incorporate the latest trends in the field.

The course goes beyond theory, offering hands-on projects that enable students to become industry-ready by the end of the session. Whether you prefer offline or online learning, our ADF training program caters to both preferences.

If you aspire to excel in the field of data engineering and data integration with Azure Data Factory, don't miss this opportunity. Enroll in our ADF training program today and take a step closer to realizing your goals.

The ADF training program by KPH Trainings is structured to make a student a professional ADF expert with skills like data analytics, data designing, data warehouse management and more.

Yes, ADF professionals are not only in demand at present but an ADF certificate can get you a job very easily.

It is 60 hours of course. It would take 45 days to complete in regular classes and will take 4-6 weeks in case of weekend classes

Fresh graduate students and professionals, both can take up this course for skill upgradation. Working professionals can also opt for this course in case they want a career change.

Yes, KPH Trainings offer ADF training in both offline and oniline modes.

Yes, we offer both classroom & online training.

Practical Training

Mature Syllabus

Best Stimulations

100% Placements

Course Objectives

  • Introduction to ADF
  • Security Management in ADF
  • Object Storage Options
  • Amazon EC2
  • Load Balancing, Auto-Scaling & Route 53
  • Database Services and Analytics
  • Networking and Monitoring Services
  • Applications Services and ADF Lambda
  • Configuration Management and Automation
  • SADF Architectural Designs
Course Content

Why should you take ADF Training?

  • The average ADF Salaries in India is 11.62 lakhs per annum! -
  • ADF (CSA) certification is rated as the highly valued IT Certification globally.
  • ADF market is expected to reach $236B by 2020 at a CAGR of 22% - Forrester

Who Can Learn


Aspirant Fresh Graduates who want to pursue their Career in Software Testing.


Working professionals from different industry who want to pursue a career in software testing.

Work Professionals

Working professionals who want to update their skills in Automation for better Career and Future.

How we differ from others?

  • Interactive
    Live Classes
  • Best Stimulations
  • Personalized
    Learning Plan
  • Online
  • Group Labs and
  • One-to-One
    Mentor Support
  • 100% Placements
  • Practical Training
  • And More...