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Python is recognized as a high-level, object-oriented programming language that involves integrated dynamic semantics that is utilized for the app and web development. As compared to other languages, Python is assumed as a relatively simple language. This is because the web developers who want to learn Python need to focus on the unique syntax that emphasizes readability. The code can be read and translated in a much-simplified manner in comparison to other programming languages. 

The core benefit of learning the Python programming language is that it helps in decreasing the cost of the development and program maintenance as it enables web teams to contribute their collaborative efforts without any potential experience and language restrictions. The other advantage of learning this language is that both the interpreter and the standard library are available free of cost in both the source and binary form. Further, there is no requirement for any exclusive arrangement as you can find Python and its essential tools are available on all the key platforms. Thus, this appears as an attractive alternative to web developers who aims to avoid high developmental costs.

Apart from this, the usage of packages and modules in Python allows the developer to design programs in a modular style and thus, the code generated during the process can be used across multiple projects. The scalability feature enables the developer to use the module and package for several other projects and further, it is quite easy to export and import the modules. 

Thus, in general, Python can be understood as the programming language that plays a crucial role in the process of software development on the app (including mobile) and web platforms. The easy accessibility to Python makes it simpler to learn and understand as all the essential tools can be found on the internet free of cost. 

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BIG DATA HADOOP https://www.sastrainingindelhi.com/big-data-hadoop/ https://www.sastrainingindelhi.com/big-data-hadoop/#respond Fri, 13 Apr 2018 15:18:21 +0000 https://sastrainingindelhi.com/test/?p=102 All the training would be provided by Industry Experts who already works on Big Data Hadoop platform. Backup Class in case you miss any session. Theory + Practical Training along with case studies in order to get better understanding of concepts. Complete course material with no extra cost. Free doubt clearing session after completion of […]

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  • All the training would be provided by Industry Experts who already works on Big Data Hadoop platform.
  • Backup Class in case you miss any session.
  • Theory + Practical Training along with case studies in order to get better understanding of concepts.
  • Complete course material with no extra cost.
  • Free doubt clearing session after completion of the training.
  • Resume building by experts.
  • Feedback form filled by candidates after every class in order to maintain highest level of quality standards
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    QLIKVIEW https://www.sastrainingindelhi.com/qlikview/ https://www.sastrainingindelhi.com/qlikview/#respond Fri, 13 Apr 2018 15:14:27 +0000 https://sastrainingindelhi.com/test/?p=99 Introduction to Qlikview Introduction to the concepts of Business Intelligence, learning about QlikView, the unique features of QlikView that make it the market leader, comparison to other BI tools, the complete overview and architecture of QlikView, studying the various file types and extensions. Qlikview Products Learning about the various QlikView products, understanding about the QlikView […]

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    Introduction to Qlikview

    Introduction to the concepts of Business Intelligence, learning about QlikView, the unique features of QlikView that make it the market leader, comparison to other BI tools, the complete overview and architecture of QlikView, studying the various file types and extensions.

    Qlikview Products

    Learning about the various QlikView products, understanding about the QlikView Desktop, Server, Access Point, Publisher, the Management Console and NPrinting reporting platform.

    Introduction to Data and Scripting

    Understanding the data warehouse architecture, the concept of dimensional model, fact tables and dimensions, learning about Star and Snow Flake schema, QlikView data model comparison to other data models, understanding the data source files.

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    DATA SCIENCE https://www.sastrainingindelhi.com/data-science/ https://www.sastrainingindelhi.com/data-science/#respond Fri, 13 Apr 2018 15:02:28 +0000 https://sastrainingindelhi.com/test/?p=94 Data Science using  Python & One more programming language This course is suitable for anyone looking for a transition in data science career. It covers the basics for beginners to an advance level of application. This is designed by industry experts and inline with the interview requirements and certifications. This will cover below modules: Base […]

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    Data Science using  Python & One more programming language

    This course is suitable for anyone looking for a transition in data science career. It covers the basics for beginners to an advance level of application. This is designed by industry experts and inline with the interview requirements and certifications.

    This will cover below modules:

    • Base + Advance + SQL
    • Data Analytics using one more language 
    • Python Language + Data analytics using Python
    • Tableau

    Please look for the syllabus of above in the individual course modules.

    Introduction and Overview to Python

    Environment Setup (Installation and setting up Python IDE – Anaconda- Spyder)


    • History
    • Features
    • Setting up path
    • Working with Python
    • Basic Syntax
    • Variable and Data Types
    • Operator



    • Overview of Python- Starting with Python
    • Introduction to installation of Python
    • Introduction to Python Editors & IDE’s(Spyder, pycharm, Jupyter, etc…)
    • Understand Spyder & Customize Settings
    • Concept of Packages/Libraries – Important packages(NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc)
    • Installing & loading Packages & Name Spaces
    • Data Types & Data objects/structures (strings, Tuples, Lists, Dictionaries)
    • List and Dictionary Comprehensions
    • Variable & Value Labels –  Date & Time Values
    • Basic Operations – Mathematical – string – date
    • Reading and writing data
    • Simple plotting
    • Control flow & conditional statements
    • Debugging & Code profiling
    • How to create class and modules and how to call them?



    • Need for structured exploratory data
    • EDA framework for exploring the data and identifying any problems with the data (Data Audit Report)
    • Identify missing data
    • Identify outliers data
    • Visualize the data trends and patterns


    • Importing Data from various sources (Csv, txt, excel, access etc)
    • Database Input (Connecting to database)
    • Viewing Data objects – subsetting, methods
    • Exporting Data to various formats
    • Important python modules: Pandas, beautifulsoup


    • Cleansing Data with Python
    • Data Manipulation steps(Sorting, filtering, duplicates, merging, appending, subsetting, derived variables, sampling, Data type conversions, renaming, formatting etc)
    • Data manipulation tools(Operators, Functions, Packages, control structures, Loops, arrays etc)
    • Python Built-in Functions (Text, numeric, date, utility functions)
    • Python User Defined Functions
    • Stripping out extraneous information
    • Normalizing data
    • Formatting data
    • Important Python modules for data manipulation (Pandas, Numpy, re, math, string, datetime etc)


    • Introduction exploratory data analysis
    • Descriptive statistics, Frequency Tables and summarization
    • Univariate Analysis (Distribution of data & Graphical Analysis)
    • Bivariate Analysis(Cross Tabs, Distributions & Relationships, Graphical Analysis)
    • Creating Graphs- Bar/pie/line chart/histogram/ boxplot/ scatter/ density etc)
    • Important Packages for Exploratory Analysis (NumPy Arrays, Matplotlib, Pandas and scipy.stats etc)


    • Concept of model in analytics and how it is used?
    • Common terminology used in analytics & modelling process


    • Basic Statistics – Measures of Central Tendencies and Variance
    • Building blocks – Probability Distributions – Normal distribution – Central Limit Theorem
    • Inferential Statistics -Sampling – Concept of Hypothesis Testing
    • Statistical Methods – Z/t-tests( One sample, independent, paired), Anova, Correlations and Chi-square
    • Important modules for statistical methods: Numpy, Scipy, Pandas


    • Introduction to Segmentation
    • Types of Segmentation (Subjective Vs Objective, Heuristic Vs. Statistical)
    • Heuristic Segmentation Techniques (Value Based, RFM Segmentation and Life Stage Segmentation)
    • Behavioural Segmentation Techniques (K-Means Cluster Analysis)
    • Cluster evaluation and profiling – Identify cluster characteristics
    • Interpretation of results – Implementation on new data


    • Need of Data preparation
    • Consolidation/Aggregation – Outlier treatment – Flat Liners – Missing values- Dummy creation – Variable Reduction
    • Variable Reduction Techniques – Factor & PCA Analysis


    • What is segmentation & Role of ML in Segmentation?
    • Concept of Distance and related math background
    • K-Means Clustering
    • Expectation Maximization
    • Hierarchical Clustering
    • Spectral Clustering (DBSCAN)
    • Principle component Analysis (PCA)


    • Introduction – Applications
    • Assumptions of Linear Regression
    • Building Linear Regression Model
    • Understanding standard metrics (Variable significance, R-square/Adjusted R-square, Global hypothesis ,etc)
    • Assess the overall effectiveness of the model
    • Validation of Models (Re running Vs. Scoring)
    • Standard Business Outputs (Decile Analysis, Error distribution (histogram), Model equation, drivers etc.)
    • Interpretation of Results – Business Validation – Implementation on new data


    • Introduction – Applications
    • Time Series Components( Trend, Seasonality, Cyclicity and Level) and Decomposition
    • Classification of Techniques(Pattern based – Pattern less)
    • Basic Techniques – Averages, Smoothening, etc
    • Advanced Techniques – AR Models, ARIMA, etc
    • Understanding Forecasting Accuracy – MAPE, MAD, MSE, etc


    • Introduction – Applications
    • Linear Regression Vs. Logistic Regression Vs. Generalized Linear Models
    • Building Logistic Regression Model (Binary Logistic Model)
    • Understanding standard model metrics (Concordance, Variable significance, Hosmer Lemeshov Test, Gini, KS, Misclassification, ROC Curve etc)
    • Validation of Logistic Regression Models (Re running Vs. Scoring)
    • Standard Business Outputs (Decile Analysis, ROC Curve, Probability Cut-offs, Lift charts, Model equation, Drivers or variable importance, etc)
    • Interpretation of Results – Business Validation – Implementation on new data


    • Introduction – Applications
    • Time Series Components( Trend, Seasonality, Cyclicity and Level) and Decomposition
    • Classification of Techniques(Pattern based – Pattern less)
    • Basic Techniques – Averages, Smoothening, etc
    • Advanced Techniques – AR Models, ARIMA, etc
    • Understanding Forecasting Accuracy – MAPE, MAD, MSE, etc


    • Decision Trees – Introduction – Applications
    • Types of Decision Tree Algorithms
    • Construction of Decision Trees through Simplified Examples; Choosing the “Best” attribute at each Non-Leaf node; Entropy; Information Gain, Gini Index, Chi Square, Regression Trees
    • Generalizing Decision Trees; Information Content and Gain Ratio; Dealing with Numerical Variables; other Measures of Randomness
    • Pruning a Decision Tree; Cost as a consideration; Unwrapping Trees as Rules
    • Decision Trees – Validation
    • Overfitting – Best Practices to avoid


    • Concept of Ensembling
    • Manual Ensembling Vs. Automated Ensembling
    • Methods of Ensembling (Stacking, Mixture of Experts)
    • Random forest (Logic, Practical Applications)
    • Boosting (Logic, Practical Applications)


    • Introduction to Machine Learning & Predictive Modelling
    • Types of Business problems – Mapping of Techniques – Regression vs. classification vs. segmentation vs. Forecasting
    • Major Classes of Learning Algorithms -Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
    • Different Phases of Predictive Modelling (Data Pre-processing, Sampling, Model Building, Validation)
    • Overfitting (Bias-Variance Trade off) & Performance Metrics
    • Feature engineering & dimension reduction
    • Concept of optimization & cost function
    • Overview of gradient descent algorithm
    • Overview of Cross validation(Bootstrapping, K-Fold validation etc)

    Model performance metrics (R-square, Adjusted R-squre, RMSE, MAPE, AUC, ROC curve, recall,


    • Motivation for Support Vector Machine & Applications
    • Support Vector Regression
    • Support vector classifier (Linear & Non-Linear)
    • Mathematical Intuition (Kernel Methods Revisited, Quadratic Optimization and Soft Constraints)
    • Interpretation of Outputs and Fine tune the models with hyper parameters
    • Validating SVM models


    • Motivation for Neural Networks and Its Applications
    • Perceptron and Single Layer Neural Network, and Hand Calculations
    • Learning In a Multi Layered Neural Net: Back Propagation and Conjugant Gradient Techniques
    • Neural Networks for Regression
    • Neural Networks for Classification
    • Interpretation of Outputs and Fine tune the models with hyper parameters
    • Validating ANN models


    • What is KNN & Applications?
    • KNN for missing treatment
    • KNN For solving regression problems
    • KNN for solving classification problems
    • Validating KNN model
    • Model fine tuning with hyper parameters


    • Concept of Conditional Probability
    • Bayes Theorem and Its Applications
    • Naïve Bayes for classification
    • Applications of Naïve Bayes in Classifications


    • Taming big text, Unstructured vs. Semi-structured Data; Fundamentals of information retrieval, Properties of words; Creating Term-Document (TxD);Matrices; Similarity measures, Low-level processes (Sentence Splitting; Tokenization; Part-of-Speech Tagging; Stemming; Chunking)
    • Finding patterns in text: text mining, text as a graph
    • Assignment and PROJECT – Implementing the concepts on Real Time projects
    • Applying different algorithms to solve the business problems and understand the industry applications.


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